the pain.. THE PAIN!

Jang jang JANG..! The day I've been waiting for turns out to be 1) well for the orthodontist 2) hell for me.

After putting braces, I've turn into a total highschool geek. Not that I'm saying anyone who puts braces looks like a geek *cough* Lorna *cough* (JK!), it's just me in particular. Let me show you before and after.

Before(no braces) vs After (braces)

Totally geekified. You see it too right. I don't even have to show my teeth in the first one.

Here's another.

Now that I've showed my teeth in both pic, can you see the difference! They called me the Smiling Queen. Hehe.

Orthodontist : You have too many teeth fitted in your small mouth. And because your teeth are straight they are very tight together and that's why your teeth are pushed out and overjet.

Emily : O.o

I believe her that my teeth are too tight together after she tried to force in the separators to create a gap but so much for that effort. My teeth won't create that gap they wanted because they can barely be moved. Oh good strong tight teeth. You've failed me.

And I have to remove 8 teeth! My mom and I tried negotiating (haha) to pull out maybe 6? But 8 teeth still have to come out. Tell you why nxt time.

Oh food glorious food!

I can barely eat and talk. No need to mention the pain. Anyone I talked to looked weirdly at my mouth when I'm talking and they have this urge to follow my mouth movement, like it's as contagious as smiling. Get it? I don't know how they make out my words though, I can barely understand myself.

Maybe if I don't show my teeth that often, no one will notice.

Did it work??!
New member of the Star Trek fan,
Ps, I'm just joking. I love geeks. =3

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