
Last few weeks of uni was really hectic. I had post-it sticked everywhere of what I was suppose to do and stuff like exams, assignments, appointment, etc. Bio and chinese exams went alright but linear algebra was a total messed-up. On the bright side, no more assignments! EXCEPT for linear. =( Linear algebra is really getting on my nerves. I feel so dumb; I'm the only one in class that doesn't get anything. But I'm ASIAN! Asian and maths go together! (not being racist).

I am on hols now! Yes! I soo need the break. I was on the edge of breaking down from all the stress. I was going crazy!

See what I mean! But God told me to trust in Him which I find it hard lately to do that. I take everything to my own hands. Even Pastor Larry preached about trusting God today. When I gave God all my worries, I felt a weight had been lifted off me. Praise God!

Anyway last Sat was my roommate's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday Em! Since she did not have the time to celebrate it with me, I've decided to wake up early in the morning (before she wakes up) and go to the best cake shop (thanks for the info Derek) to get her a cake. That shop was just right RIGHT in front of my eyes and thanks to my bad sense of direction, I walked like a mile away from that shop.

After walking the wrong direction for soo long, I FINALLY realized that I was walking the wrong way and decided to call Derek (sorry for waking you up so early Derek =/). How blind can I be? Maybe I shouldn't take any flight alone in my entire lifetime. Who knows where I may end up.


Moving on, guess what?! Sneak peek below. =3

Yup, you've guessed it. Look at my new dog! Fifi! Now I have :
Barney, Junior (Bunior), Brandy, Brenda, Bingo, Buddy and Fifi (Bifi). =3

Last Father's Day, we took a family portrait in church. Where's my older bro?! It's wasn't a professional shoot but we did it for fun.

Gosh, my Mom's so fair!

People always think that I'm Ash's cousin or friend from school. Can't you see the resemblance?! For example

Random person talking to Ash : So how's your Dad/Mom? What are they doing? Where do you live and so on.
Ash answers.
Random person turns to me : What about you? Where's your parents?
Look at Ash and smile : Not here =]


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