How the world perceive us.

Joker 1 : Are you from Malaysia?
Emmy : Yeah.
Joker 1 : Oh, so you're a Malay then.
Emmy : No, I'm Chinese.
Joker 1 : Oh, so you come from China then.
(slaps face)

My cousin told me this "slaps face" joke.
(happens on an aeroplane)

Joker 2 : Where are you from?
Cousin : I'm from Australia.
Joker 2 : Oh, so you come from Sydney.
Cousin : No, I'm from Canberra.
Joker 2 : Oh, that's in Sydney right?

(slaps face)

(Buddy - Chan's family dog)

Joker 3 : Ask Emily about that chinese word. She's a Malaysian.


Joker 3 : All Malaysians can speak chinese, why can't you?

(slaps Joker 3's face)

(Yong Han's Toto. So cutee!)

(Ash was in the changing room)

Joker 4 : So your friend trying on something?
Emmy : That's my sister.
Joker 4 : What? China doesn't allow 2 kids. How can you have a sister? Is that why you came to
Australia? To run away from the Chinese government?!
Emmy : I'm not from China.
Joker 4 : Oh, then where are you from?
Emmy : Malaysia.
Joker 4 : Oh, no wonder you got such beautiful skin. (touches his face)

(Hehe. Yes, I'm bragging.)

Love, Buddy and Emmy.

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