
I'm in dilemma here. =/

I'm currently doing Bachelor of Science in University of Melbourne - my dream uni and I got it (all thanks to God). Good lecturers, good tutors, beautiful English-like buildings, friends are great. The best part is that my uni is in the city! Huge variety of marvelous food. Get to move out and have my own life. Perfect!

Until I found out that University of Melbourne doesn't offer my major of interest - Biotech. Sigh. Monash does, but I don't like Monash! No offense to you monash kids out there. Its just that Melb Uni had been my dream uni. Monash and my parents place ain't that far so I can't move out; I need my own space. And Melb Uni is the best uni in Melbourne and I want the best! =p

What to do, what to do?

Should I do optometrist in Melb Uni instead or should I chase after my dream in Monash?

Ash, Olivia and Emmy

Anyway, I'll be leaving to New Zealand in 6 hours time. I hope I packed everything I needed. I hope Ash packed enough undies. =3

Ash said I look like a China tourist here :3

I'll be there for a week. Gosh, I hate travelling; the cycle of packing and unpacking, the feeling of frustration when you forgot to bring something important that you reminded yourself to bring so many times, can and will kill me.

That wasn't how I plan to spend my holidays! Sleeping, watching Tv (oh great tv) and chatting with my favourite boy is what I planned to do!

I'm going to miss not chatting with Yong Han for a week. =/

A heart-shaped nail polish that peeled off. For you, Yong Han. <3

Oh well, that's life. I'm still young =p and not working so I'll enjoy every opportunity I have right now. Like what Yong Han said, "You should appreciate the times together with your family man. You won't have the time anymore when you're working." Lol. WOMAN Yong Han, WOMAN

~Peace out~


Siblings. and a personal note to my sister(;

Can't live with them, probably am able to live without them(;

I don't get why, WHY, my sister's post has another dog's picture in it!


*break mine's and buddy's heart only. (and apparently, Caleb's too).

yes Jie, whilst you are still in bed, Caleb and I have been doing some very bad stuff to this blog. as you can already tell, your beloved brother is obssess with his butt and claims to be a new master. aiyaiyai. YOU taught him that! it's horrible!

now, he's laughing like a hyenna! oh gosh! he's telling me what he's laughing about. I should stop doing this. *stops

*5 seconds later.

yeap, am back. I didn't get what he just said. as usual. *DON'T EAT ME CALEB!

know what I feel like doing to the jokers mention in your post? I feel like plummering their head to the ground and then flushing it down the toilet. yes(:

*rereads post

Nah, I still think that it's their head that deserves the plummering and flushing, not mine(;

okay, I'm bored and BREKKIE is ready. well, not really considering the fact that I have to make my own brekkie but still(:



My Butt.. very white and shiny. very BEAUTIFUL. YOUR master. your you just made it ugly a lot better than the guy on the left.....HAHAHAHA!! 'The Top of the World'

Ok, thats enough about my butt.

by Your New Masterrrrrrr!
Caleb Chan

How the world perceive us.

Joker 1 : Are you from Malaysia?
Emmy : Yeah.
Joker 1 : Oh, so you're a Malay then.
Emmy : No, I'm Chinese.
Joker 1 : Oh, so you come from China then.
(slaps face)

My cousin told me this "slaps face" joke.
(happens on an aeroplane)

Joker 2 : Where are you from?
Cousin : I'm from Australia.
Joker 2 : Oh, so you come from Sydney.
Cousin : No, I'm from Canberra.
Joker 2 : Oh, that's in Sydney right?

(slaps face)

(Buddy - Chan's family dog)

Joker 3 : Ask Emily about that chinese word. She's a Malaysian.


Joker 3 : All Malaysians can speak chinese, why can't you?

(slaps Joker 3's face)

(Yong Han's Toto. So cutee!)

(Ash was in the changing room)

Joker 4 : So your friend trying on something?
Emmy : That's my sister.
Joker 4 : What? China doesn't allow 2 kids. How can you have a sister? Is that why you came to
Australia? To run away from the Chinese government?!
Emmy : I'm not from China.
Joker 4 : Oh, then where are you from?
Emmy : Malaysia.
Joker 4 : Oh, no wonder you got such beautiful skin. (touches his face)

(Hehe. Yes, I'm bragging.)

Love, Buddy and Emmy.

Picture Of The Day.

I swear my sister is there!

signing off, ashC.

Opening part II.

say hello to my sister and myself. the creators of this blog and damn fine people if you ask me(;

I'm sorry that my sister's first post was so long, it's her first blog and everything so it's understandable. I'll make this as short as possible as you guys may have already strain your eyes reading my sister's post and of course the pictures.

good word, the pictures. my poor beloved. so talked about yet so infamous.

I've lost my blogging skills. so it's a boring post from me(:

I'll leave now so to save you guys from a tragic death. yes, you may thank me as soon as you get what I've just written. kekekeeee.

well, again, welcome to the new blog. mess it and you die. literally.

out, Ash.


My first blog and post!

Reasons why Emily decided to have a blog :-

1) Asians (especially from asia) have blogs. I'm proud to be an asian so I have a blog to complete my asian'ness.

2) First, there were only three asians that don't have a blog - Fo, Lorna and myself. But Fo decided to join the "asian side". And so there were only Lorna and myself. But since Lorna is scary (thou shall not tell her), I've decided to join the "asian side".

Jokes! I'm just crapping about the 2nd reason. And besides, Lorna ain't asian. She's English! She acts like one, talk like one and soon, she's marrying one.

What's the thing about Buddy?

1) Buddy is the Chan's beloved dog. He's cute,

He's adorable,

And soo not grumpy right?

And because we love Buddy soo much, we decided to get another one. Bingo!

But Buddy wanted more so here are Brandy and Brenda.

Buddy wanted to have a blog with the family so this blog was born. Kidding. Well, hope you guys like my opening post. Here's one last picture of Buddy, Chan's beloved dog.

Ta, Emmy.